We are back from FETC – Florida Educational Technology Conference 2013. Thanks for all who stopped by the PrinterOn booth and talked to us about our printing solution.

After spending two days in Orlando at this show, it is clear that there is a common problem that these schools face when it comes to students printing. Paper and toner waste. Schools are spending large amounts of money on paper and toner because students are printing large documents or printing documents that never get picked up and end up in the recycling bin.

The PrinterOn Education printing solution not only provides schools with a way for students to print from any mobile device, it can also help prevent paper and toner waste in two ways:

  1. For each document that is printed, a release code can be used to release documents at the printer. If a student never enters the code, the document is never printed
  2. Page limits can also be set within the system which can stop 30 or 50 page documents from being printed

Printing from mobile devices in schools will continue to increase. PrinterOn Education can help keep costs down while still allowing students the freedom to print.