79% of students who own a tablet use it for learning. Do you have a way for them to print simply and securely from their devices? Mobile devices provide new and exciting ways for teachers to present concepts and students to learn. While they are great teaching tools, these devices also present some challenges along the way such as printing. How do you print from them? And when they are given print capability, what about paper and toner waste, BYOD, authentication and print management?

PrinterOn Enterprise or Express Editions can provide a BYOD printing solution with the security, flexibility, usability and reliability required by a campus with thousands of students, various device platforms and multiple networks.

  • Print, Track and Manage – Only PrinterOn delivers a combined solution that  enables secure pull printing, tracking and management of all print workflows whether mobile or desktop. A single, centrally managed solution delivers a consistent user experience, reporting for cost control and compliance, along with increased IT efficiency.
  • Lower Operating Costs – Eliminate expensive personal printers that require more maintenance and consumables. With PrinterOn, every enabled printer on the network is secure. PrinterOn  requires only one print server on the corporate network to run your entire print system.
  • Simplify Administration – The entire print infrastructure can be managed through a single location. The PrinterOn web console provides access to all settings, printers, configurations and reports making managing and monitoring simple and efficient.
  • See the Savings – The PrinterOn web console provides you with key metrics like Total Pages Saved, Color Pages Saved and B/W Pages Saved so you can see the savings every day and be assured that your decision to deploy PrinterOn was the right one.
  • Be More Green – 20% of all print is waste. Secure Release Anywhere™  prevents documents from automatically printing.  Forgotten documents won’t be left on the printer and end up in the recycling bin.
  • Improve User Experience – Whether on or off campus, on a tablet or laptop, PrinterOn provides a consistent user experience which saves time, increases productivity and is easier to manage.
BYOD printing from PrinterOn