Mobile Printing and Hot Desking, a Perfect MatchWith corporations under pressure to cut budgets and more workers becoming mobile, the concept of Hot Desking or Corporate Hoteling is becoming increasingly popular. Hot Desking is when a company provides a pool of fully equipped desks which are occupied by employees only as required. An employee is usually provided with a smartphone, laptop and a phone number to reserve a cubicle when it is necessary to come into the office.
According to CoreNet Global’s Research Center, 73% of Fortune 500 companies offer Hot Desking right now and 60% of companies will be introducing this concept in the near future.
Hot Desking reduces costs for energy consumption, office supplies and administration. It also saves on lease costs since the company can now occupy less space.
The Hot Desking environment is minimal, so most likely there may not be an IT person who can help out with problems such as configuring laptops to work with on-site printers. This is where the PrintSpots solution from PrinterOn adds value in the Hot Desking environment.
The PrintSpots solution:
- enables users to print on-the-go from any smartphone, laptop or iPad to any public PrintSpot location or back to the office PrintSpot
- allows users to print to the office from home without connecting to the network
- reduces IT costs/support since there are no drivers to install and no network connections by laptop users
- allows print jobs to be released by a secure release code that is sent only to the user
View a demo of how mobile printing works.