A recent article states that enterprises are backing mobile printing and the market is set to expand with a growth rate of
32.5 % by 2019.

The main reasons for this growth are:

  • BYOD policies
  • Centralized printing environments
  • Document security

PrinterOn Enterprise mobile printing solutions provide secure, on-premise printing for all devices and platforms whether on or off the corporate network. Specifically, PrinterOn can address each of the three reasons above.

BYOD Policies

Enterprises are implementing BYOD printing policies across their organizations. PrinterOn Enterprise lets users print from any device on any platform so no matter which device is being used, access to convenient, secure mobile printing is at hand.

Centralized Printing Environments

A major trend that is emerging in the enterprise is a focus on a centralized printing environment. PrinterOn Enterprise
provides a centralized management system so all printer information, drivers, reporting and software configuration is done through one central admin console. Changes to thousands of printers, no matter where they are located can be done quickly from one location.

Document Security

Unclaimed printouts can create potential data leaks due to unauthorized access to printed documents. PrinterOn Enterprise provides secure printing for all document submission methods through release or PIN codes, integration with print
management systems or swipe cards.

Read the full article.