Today’s mobile devices allow you to check e-mail, chat and use social networks. One limitation they pose, however, is allowing direct printing. And there are few alternatives to actual hard copies of document, pictures, reports, etc. Most devices do not come with sophisticated tools that facilitate easy and versatile printing.

As a solution to this problem, there are a plethora of iOS, Blackberry and Android printing apps available in the marketplace today. These allow you to print on-the-go and are a top choice for many smartphone and tablet users.

While these applications have been popular in the last few years, in 2013 you need to pay special attention to them. This is because this year is expected to offer a range of new platforms for mobile devices that aid the creation of complex graphics, documents and spreadsheets. And these devices will need printing support more than ever before. Here are a few more reasons for focusing your resources on getting mobile printing applications this year.

  • The number of people using smartphones and tablets is increasing manifold every day. Besides, you may now find a school student using them for their homework as well as a senior citizen catching up on daily news. Since members of your workforce also use mobile devices, these applications will empower them to work faster and at their convenience.
  • Research shows that over 60% of businesses need Cloud printing apps, while only around 5% actually have them. If you focus on getting these applications deployed in your organization, you stand to have an edge over others who are still grappling with the idea of remote printing.
  • These applications are evolving along with different mobile technologies. For example, printing via mobile device is not limited to IT officials or business professionals; painters, writers and even photographers are using these apps to their benefit.
  • This year, tablet sales are expected to rise by 30%. Not only are employees purchasing them on their own, but businesses are also offering them to staff members to aid their work. Online printing systems offer great support for these devices and they are a must-have investment for this year.

As more and more people are using this technology to their advantage, this is the best time to get these applications for your organization’s devices.