Skidmore Sales & Distributing is a full service distributor and broker of quality industrial food ingredients with 12 warehouse locations and technical sales coverage in 22 states. Skidmore was moving to a cloud based data center and required a way to print securely from their new Sage ERP system. They were also using a multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) system that connected the four remote networks on which they were printing. These networks would go down periodically which prevented printing altogether and they decided they needed a better solution capable of printing across multiple networks. The previous solution was unreliable and expensive so they turned to PrinterOn.

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With PrinterOn Enterprise mobile printing, Skidmore now has a secure remote printing solution that is more reliable and costs less than the price of maintaining an MPLS connection.

  • Print directly from Sage ERP to any printer at any remote location
  • Eliminated the need for costly MPLS system at each location
  • PrintConnect devices replace MPLS at a fraction of the cost
  • Plug-and-play PrintConnect devices for easy setup at each location