With organizations moving to the cloud for improved ROI and streamlined management, the printing solution you choose must also be able to work in the cloud reliably and securely.

What are the main reasons for a move to the cloud?

The main reason for a move to the cloud is all about ROI.

  • Cost and infrastructure reduction – less networking and servers
  • Easier management
  • Reduction in deployment costs
  • Reliability

Printing and the cloud…a perfect match

Moving your print services to the cloud can solve the everyday problems that you may be experiencing when it comes to printing.

You may be familiar with some of the use cases below. Whether you need to:

  • Provision an office with remote print capability
  • Enable mobile printing for groups of mobile devices
  • Introduce cloud-based SSO and identity management
  • Launch pull printing on a global scale
  • Provide a cost effective Citrix printing (VDI) solution
  • Reduce support calls by eliminating driver management

A true cloud printing solution takes care of all of these tasks and more.

So what makes a True Cloud Printing™ solution?

A print solution that is truly built for the cloud needs the following characteristics and features:

  • SSO/iDM
  • Secure web services-based platform
  • Scalable, flexible and modular
  • Any device, any network, any cloud
  • Reliable

PrinterOn has always been built for the cloud. In fact, PrinterOn Hosted was the first public cloud printing solution on the market back in 2001. Now, in 2017, the release of PrinterOn Enterprise 4.0 offers the features and capabilities that make it a True Cloud Printing platform.

We can take you directly to the cloud right now, or, if you prefer, start on premise then migrate to the cloud later when the time is right. It’s a smooth progression. No dead-end software. No rip and replace. Just a service migration when you are ready.

PrinterOn has got you covered. 

Contact us today and talk to our cloud experts about how we can provide a True Cloud Printing solution that gets you to the cloud quickly, securely and without disruption.