The Move to Cloud Computing and Providing Print CapabilityA recent article in Campus Technology written by Reed Sheard, CIO at Westmont College in Santa Barbara highlights their move to the cloud and he has this to say about his innovative initiatives:
“What we’ve learned is that our staff and students want to do their computing on tablets and handheld mobile devices more than on notebook or desktop computers. To move aggressively into supporting handheld and tablet computing, it made even more sense to adopt cloud computing. So we’ve done multiple projects with Google, Postini, Cast Iron, and Salesforce. We are leveraging their expertise in cloud computing to benefit the college.”
PrinterOn’s campus mobile printing solution functionality is a natural fit where cloud computing is being adopted since all these users will need a mechanism to print from their smartphones and tablet devices. Any device that is Wi-Fi or internet connected can print to campus printers without installing and configuring drivers.