Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) describes the recent trend of employees bringing personally-owned mobile devices to their place of work, and using those devices to access company resources such as email, file servers and databases.

With this trend comes the need for printing from these devices simply and securely. PrinterOn Enterprise printing solutions make it possible for employees and visitors to print to your fleet of printers without having to connect to the secure corporate network. Printing can be done from any smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC simply by emailing documents to a PrinterOn Enterprise-enabled printer, or by using one of the mobile printing apps available for BlackBerry, iOS and Android devices.

  • Private Cloud – installation on corporate servers for data security, all processing done on site
  • Secure – multiple layers of security during document processing, release codes for privacy
  • Authentication – LDAP, Active Directory and Access Control List creation
  • Print Management – integration with most print management solutions such as Equitrac
  • Scalable – solution meets the changing requirements of your growing enterprise
  • Increase Productivity – mobile printing is quick and easy, no matter where employees may be
  • GPS/Keyword Search – locate the printers nearest to you using mobile printing apps
  • Barcode printing – direct printing from SAP to barcode or RFID printers such as Intermec & Zebra using the SAP Connector for PrinterOn Enterprise