PrinterOn Education enables your students and staff to print from any device with full user authentication supporting a BYOD environment. Hundreds of Universities, Colleges and K-12 schools use PrinterOn everyday because it is a trusted solution built on 13 years of Cloud Printing experience.

Authentication & Security
PrinterOn Education is a Private Cloud Solution which is deployed directly on servers at your location. All processing and encryption of documents is done in your secure “Private Cloud” and all print methods have full LDAP or AD authentication: mobile apps, cloud printing portals, email and PrintWhere driver.

Print Management Integration
PrinterOn Education integrates with most print management systems on the market today which means no extra software to purchase or install if you already have one in place.

  • Equitrac
  • Pharos
  • PaperCut
  • ITC Systems

Read the following excerpt from Campus Technology magazine about welcoming BYOD on campus.

The Support Office manager at the University of York discusses the importance of fostering a culture that embraces mobile devices, while also setting realistic expectations.

At the University of York (UK), you can’t swing a cat without hitting someone carrying a mobile device. The BYOD wave has engulfed the campus, with students bringing their own devices into the classroom, and professors and administrators expecting access to e-mail and other applications from their preferred operating systems.

While BYOD brings numerous benefits to campus users, it can be challenging from an IT support perspective. But it’s not an issue that universities can duck. In fact, at York we believe in getting out ahead of the BYOD curve as a way to distinguish ourselves from other universities in the UK. With that goal in mind, we set out to re-engineer our IT environment and to empower our support staff to say “yes” to more student and employee support requests, regardless of location or platform.

Read the full article