Before PrinterOn, the main headquarters and other remote offices at this major player in the aviation industry were using a standard Windows printing workflow. The company then realized that they needed to find an enterprise mobile printing solution that would allow them to continue using the same Windows print queues to deliver print data at remote locations, but also wanted to tie these jobs into Equitrac for job tracking. They turned to PrinterOn Enterprise to meet their secure printing needs.

PrinterOn Enterprise was deployed along with Ricoh HotSpot MFPs in order to meet the airline’s secure printing demands. The Ricoh MFPs allow for quick deployment of the solution because they are already embedded with the PrinterOn software. They simply need to be connected to the internet which means rapid deployment at remote locations.

Now with PrinterOn Enterprise, end-users did not need to learn an entire new way to print. It was seamless from the perspective of the user. This new workflow also allows for central management of printers which makes life easier for their IT department. Now the airline can focus on providing customers excellent service and flying them safely around the world knowing that their secure printing needs are in great hands.

Read the PrinterOn Airline Enterprise Success Story here.