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Remote Printing Solutions for Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the most security-sensitive industries. Doctors, nurses and staff must comply with strict policies around patient privacy and security of information. It is no surprise then that printing this type of information has its challenges.

With PrinterOn Enterprise, medical facilities can add secure mobile and remote printing capability to the current secure infrastructure while making sure all existing solutions and services are accounted for throughout the print workflow. All processing and printing of documents is done securely, keeping patient information private.

Use Case – Hospital printing to doctor’s office

A hospital staff worker needs to securely print orders, test results, or some other type of medical records to a doctor’s office. This need is independent of the business application at the hospital that is used to print. The doctor’s office is independent of the hospital and not connected to its secure network.

  • Secure release of documents provides confidentiality.
  • Printing easy-to-read documents for patients reduces errors.
  • PrinterOn can enable remote printing from Cerner LIMS.
  • On demand printing from mobile devices as well as laptops/PCs.
  • Print from EMR applications.
  • Variety of printing methods to suit different work styles – native iOS, email, apps, web upload and more.
  • Enterprise-grade security for protection of patient information.
  • Eliminate driver management, drivers are managed in the cloud.
  • Integrates with your existing secure infrastructure.
  • Works with your AD or LDAP user groups.
  • Integrates with your current print management solution for job tracking and auditing.

“Before PrinterOn, we were using another solution which did not meet the printing requirements for a mission critical warehouse management solution. PrinterOn gave us the guaranteed delivery we were looking for while remaining cost effective as compared to the custom solution we would have had to develop on our own.”

Pegasus Medical

Benefits of remote printing for healthcare

Lower Operating Costs

Eliminate expensive VPN connections used to print to remote locations and third-party providers such as clinics, labs or offices which are not on the same secure network as the central hospital.

Secure Print from EMR Systems

Doctors need to deliver care to patients whenever and wherever they may be. PrinterOn enables secure printing from EMR systems from any mobile device providing instant access to important patient information.

Scalability and Flexibility

PrinterOn is a highly flexible and scalable software-based system sitting in between the application and network layers of an organization’s IT infrastructure. Functionality remains the same whether deployed on premise behind the firewall or in the cloud.

Increase Security

Meet virtually any security requirement for your organization with control of user authentication, print job data encryption, transmission encryption and a variety of secure release methods at the print device.

Simplify Administration

The entire print infrastructure can be managed through a single location. The PrinterOn web console provides access to all settings, printers, configurations and reports making managing and monitoring simple and efficient.

Superior User Experience

Remote printing can be configured to work with the same workflows a user is used to. No changes. No training. To the user, printing to a remote printer is the same as printing to a printer down the hall.