Every day, more and more libraries choose PrinterOn for their mobile printing solution. The Eugene Public Library in Oregon and the New Cannan Library in Connecticut have recently deployed PrinterOn’s secure mobile printing service. Patrons of these libraries now have the ability to print from their mobile devices, laptops  or library PC stations.

The PrinterOn Hosted cloud printing solution provides mobile print capability to patrons while also solving many of the issues created by traditional printing from desktop stations such as paper waste and the maintenance of PCs. With the addition of a pay-for-print service such as PayPal or Jamex coin box, libraries also have a self-serve printing service which eliminates the need for interaction with library staff.

Users of the PrinterOn service can also access thousands of PrinterOn public printing locations worldwide by accessing our directory or by using one of the printing apps available for your smartphone or tablet.

Contact PrinterOn for more information library printing solutions.
